Regardless of how well you take care of your jewelry, sooner or later, it will have an issue. Everyday wear and tear can take a toll on your jewelry and if it is delicate, you may not be able to wear it at all. There is no need to worry as you can opt for professional Jewelry Repair Houston, TX.
Here are some signs that indicate your jewelry requires professional repair.
Broken Chains
If a chain is broken, there is no need to panic. It is a common problem that chains, necklaces, and bracelets experience. Make sure that you take the jewelry to a trustworthy jewelry store and ask them to fix the broken link. It hardly takes time and your jewelry will be as good as new.
Loose Prongs
Loose prongs can affect pre-designed or custom engagement rings Houston, TX. You will know there is a problem if the prong is bent or the stone is loose. Remember, if you do not address this problem, you could end up losing the gemstone. So, the moment you notice something amiss with the prongs, take your ring to a professional to get it fixed.
Other Issues
Other issues that require professional repair include discoloration of the metal, wear and tear of the ring shank, and broken clasp. If you have antique jewelry, make sure you choose the jewelry repair store with care. Antique jewelry repair Houston, TX is not every jewelry store’s forte. So, ensure that the jeweler knows how to fix the problem without damaging the jewelry or affecting its value.
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